Price Breakdown

Normal Price:

4 Hours – $1,000 per space

8 Hours – $1,800 per space

Specialized Student/Film Price ( please inquire for more details )

Extra Fees:

Use of the piano – $100

Bringing/Serving Food+Drink – $150

Extra Staff Member – $150 per

A/V Add Ons:

18-Channel Multi-track – $250

*18-Channel Multi-track + 4 Camera, 1 Feed Video – $500

**18-Channel Multi-track + 4 Camera, 4 Feeds Video – $700

*The cameras are switched to live during the performance, leading to one combined video feed.
Camera cuts or switches will not be able to be done after the fact.

**The video is separated per channel so additional editing/cutting/switching can be done after the fact.

Insurance Policy

A 1-day insurance policy will need to be taken out for each space being rented. This can easily
be done from the link below. Please fill out the appropriate information regarding your rental
and the certificates will automatically get sent to us. It is also possible to add us to an existing COI,
but please inquire before proceeding.

Cancellation Policy

Your rental date is not secured until a 50% deposit is received.

If you cancel your rental within 30 days, 50% of the deposit is returned

If you cancel and reschedule (if date available) there is no cancellation fee.

Final balance of rental fees must be received 10 days prior to the event.   

Checks are preferred.

Mail to:
The Jazz Gallery
P.O. Box 153, Lenox Hill Station, NY NY 10021

Download the price list here